Nadine is an expert in the fields of climate mitigation & adaptation measures in cities, sustainable urban development & digitalisation and advises municipal and private companies, as well as ministries and associations.
Nadine is the founder and managing director of “Creative Climate Cities” (CCC). The agency facilitates urban transition processes through visual and digital communication tools, knowledge transfer methodologies and service design. CCC acts as neutral mediator and promoter of sustainable urban development projects at district and city level.
Nadine was appointed as visiting professor for “Smart Urbanism and Digital Strategies” at the University of Applied Science Stuttgart (HfT) and developed the teaching methodology “SMAC” to enable interdisciplinary groups of students to design solutions for complex urban challenges. She continues to teach the module “Urban Data Platforms & Services”.
After graduating at the School of Art Berlin-Weißensee as an architect, Nadine practised urban design for a decade before she became an academic researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).
Nadine lectured at the Department for Sustainable Urban Design “CHORA Conscious City” (TU Berlin) for six years and headed the European research project “Smart Sustainable District – Green Moabit” focussing on bottom-up smart city solutions.